Research topics

Researches are undertaken in different areas of analytical chemistry, atomic and molecular spectroscopy as well as plasma physics and plasma chemistry.

The investigations in the field of analytical chemistry are devoted to the development and application of different methods and procedures into trace, speciation and fractionation analyses. The following methods and techniques are mainly applied:
- atomic and molecular emission spectrometry,
- atomic absorption spectrometry,
- X-ray powder diffraction,
- ion exchange chromatography,
- ion selective electrodes,
- hyphenated methods and techniques.

In the studies related to the application of atomic emission spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES), microwave induced plasma (MIP-OES) and hollow cathode (HCD-OES) are used. Works devoted to atomic absorption and emission spectrometry include:
- development of new methods of sample pretreatment (e.g. conventional, microwave assisted and ultrasonic assisted extractions),
- development of new analytical techniques and procedures in trace, speciation and fractionation analysis using sequential extraction and ion chromatography,
- investigation of matrix effects,
- optimization of atomization and excitation processes,
- validation.

Preparative ion chromatography and high performance ion chromatography (HPIC) with conductivity detection are applied to speciation analysis as well as determination of anions.

X-ray powder diffraction is used to analysis of crystal and poly-crystal substances, assessment of phase structure and structures in the analyzed samples. This includes pharmaceuticals, alloys, geological and construction materials as well as ashes.

Works devoted to application of hyphenated methods and techniques are mainly associated with HG-ICP-OES and HG-AAS.

Variety of samples are analyzed:
- soils, waters, sludges, ashes, wastes,
- plant materials (tree leaves, herbs, wood),
- foodstuff,
- human and animal tissues, physiological liquids,
- natural and synthetic drugs,
- construction materials, alloys, plastics.

Research projects covering environmental and biological sample analysis are conducted with cooperation with Wroclaw Medical Academia and Wroclaw Agriculture Academia.

Investigations in chemistry and physics of plasma concern fundamental research in the area of surface engineering (nitriding, reactive sputtering, plasma polymerization, PACVD and PAPVD processes). These investigations are based on optical emission spectroscopy and optical actinometry. The studies are carried out in cooperation with Institute of Terotechnology in Radom.

Spectroscopic diagnostics concerns plasma generated in different sources used in spectrochemical analysis (MIP, ICP, microplasmas, APGD - atmospheric pressure glow discharge) as well as in plasma technologies (glow discharges, magnetron devices, arc and spark devices with special constructions). Such parameters as optical temperatures, electron number density and concentrations of plasma components are measured. Mechanisms of plasma processes are investigated.

From early beginning, molecular spectroscopy is subject of our interest. Works are focused on electronic, vibrational and rotational analysis of such molecules as oxides, nitrides, halides and dimmers as well as on potential curves of diatomic molecules. Some of the studies are realized in collaboration with Bergische Universitat (Wuppertal, Germany).

(c) Katedra Chemii Analitycznej i Metalurgii Chemicznej Politechniki Wroc³awskiej
PJ & Solucija